
Sunday, May 6, 2012

More Backyard

When I started gardening (in containers since we were apartment dwellers) my husband asked how much of our food I'd like to grow.  80% has always been the number I come back to.  And one of these years I will reach that goal.  And I will do it on a suburban lot.  I am determined.

So last week, my friend and I decided we would order wood chips and compost together and split the delivery fee.
There are few things more exciting to kids than having a dump truck back into their driveway.  
Except having a hot air balloon land two houses down a couple of days later.   Cool, huh?
"Queen of the mountain"
 So again, here was how it looked the day they were delivered

And here it is now

And I'm probably more excited than anyone else.  But it's finally starting to look less like an "under construction" zone and more like a garden.  
What we've done on the hill is our permaculture area.  We have 5 trees: gala apple, golden delicious, mormon apricot, 5 pears grafted onto rootstock, and lemon elberta peach.  The lower middle bed is a gooseberry bush and there's a currant bush up by the pear.  We plan to get one more of each and maybe some elderberry bushes too.  The beds will be filled with mostly edible perennials, herbs, and some beneficial annuals (like squash and legumes).  The goal is to create an environment where all the plants do something to help the others in the beds.  As things start to take off I'll write more about that.

The plan is to continue saving newspaper and mulch and fill in most of that hill with food.  We need to add grapes (which requires a trellis, which goes beyond our budget this year), more berries, and expand the beds more, but this is a good starting point.
The area on the left is my veggie garden.  I can't decide which I like better, permaculture/lasagna beds or french intensive gardening, so I'm trying both.  We'll see which one ends up being the most productive and if that requires more effort.


  1. I can't believe that's your backyard!!
    You rock.

  2. I am so excited for you! How big is your "suburban lot"? Pretty sure it is larger than many around these parts. :) Congrats on all the hard work and great results! Be careful hanging out on that roof!
