
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Guest Post: Getting Back Into Shape After Having A Baby

 Hi everyone!  I have a guest post!  My little old blog; cool, huh?  I've never had one of those before and this one is from Katie Moore who is really nice and blogs at Moore From Katie.  So since I have FINALLY stopped nursing Tumbleweed and am starting to lose weight (because not everyone loses weight while nursing.  Some of us hold on to every. last. ounce.) I thought her timing of this post was just what I needed to keep my motivation.  Thanks Katie!!  (ps-MAJOR garden work going on here.  pics next week!)

Getting Back Into Shape After Having A Baby

Among the many concerns new moms have is how to lose the weight gained during pregnancy. While it is a worthy goal, as the extra pounds can lead to being overweight or obese over the long-term, it is necessary to maintain safety during weight loss. Consistent efforts leading to slow and predictable reduction in baby weight is made easier by following a few important rules.

The first rule is to follow doctor advice on postpartum exercise. Recovery from pregnancy will require extra energy stores, and recovery may be delayed by beginning strenuous exercise too quickly. A mother can ask the doctor any questions she may have for post-delivery recovery, as she did while making post-delivery preparations, like immunizations and
umbilical cord blood banking, for baby during pregnancy. Also, the hormonal changes of pregnancy typically continue at least a month after delivery. Most women will be able to begin low-intensity exercise as soon as a week after birth, though a woman who experienced a cesarean delivery will require more recovery time.

Breastfeeding Versus Formula Feeding

Persisting excess weight after delivery serves an important biological function. These reserves are held by the body to promote adequate and nutritious milk supplies. Even so, calories requirements for women who choose to breastfeed are higher than those using formula. This does not mean that weight loss will take longer. On the contrary, studies have consistently shown that a
moms who breastfeeds shows significant increases in weight loss, from three to six months after delivery. Even at one month after delivery, breastfeeding mothers were shown to have slimmer hips and lower overall weight.

Should mom decide to breastfeed, it is important to put off dieting and exercise programs designed for weight loss. Beginning prematurely will not hurt the quality of milk, but mom's health may suffer. Mom's health is intimately tied to baby's health, regardless of baby's primary source of nutrition.

Gradual and Slow

As with any other major athletic event, allowing enough time for recovery is a vitally important step in preventing setbacks. The doctor should be apprised of all exercise efforts just like during pregnancy. If a pregnancy exercise program was used, the same program will come in handy after delivery. Pregnancy should begin with more strenuous workouts that decline in frequency and intensity as delivery day approaches. By the time of delivery, mom should be doing little more than regular walking and
exercises that target the pelvic muscles. The same gradual slowing of physical activity can be reversed after pregnancy with doctor approval.

Target weight loss, once this effort begins in earnest, is about a pound per week. Greater amounts of loss may indicate health problems, especially if water loss is implicated.

Mixing Exercise and Care for Baby

Though it may seem difficult at first, there are some easy techniques to get exercise while not neglecting baby needs. One of the most popular makes use of the soothing quality of motion. A tired baby who can't sleep is common, and mom can use the opportunity to push baby in the stroller, around the house or neighborhood. Some exercise classes are even designed for women with children. Health providers are the best source of information about postpartum nutrition and exercise resources for new moms.

A mother should take the same high regard for her own health as she does for her baby’s health to make her recovery time and time it takes to get back to her pre-pregnancy weight shorter. Keeping herself healthy will help keep baby healthy and happy as well.

“Katie Moore has written and submitted this article. Katie is an active blogger who discusses the topics of, motherhood, children, fitness, health and all other things Mommy. She enjoys writing, blogging, and meeting new people! To connect with Katie contact her via her blog, Moore From Katie or her twitter, @moorekm26.”

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