Choosing Small

Remember when people used to blog?
I've been thinking about this post for months. We had the opportunity to buy a bigger house, like double the size bigger house.
Awesome, right?
Isn't that what we all deep down want? Wouldn't it make things so much easier if we just had more space?
For the first time, we wouldn't need to live in a small house from economic necessity (thanks again 2008!) and we could have our American Dream.
So we looked at houses. Sure they were bigger, some even had a garage and all of them had that much desired second bathroom.
But the more we looked, the less we liked.
Why exactly did I need that extra bedroom? So I wouldn't have to clean up the homeschool things at the end of the day?  Is that worth $40,000 plus interest? Americans figured out how to use single bathrooms a long time ago and we've got a fairly good system going. Was it worth 40,000 (plus interest) for a place that gets used for maybe 30 minutes a day?
Plus we would trade our large yard/small house for large house/small yard. Not pacticularly keen on that.
So we decided to stay put.
So weirdly enough, we now find ourselves choosing to live small.
What's making this more "crazy" is that we are expecting our fourth child soon.
So I've been spending a lot of the past year learning more ways to continue living in our small house. I hope to keep up with blogging and share some of those in order to help others who live small by choice or by necessity. Plus, you know, other stuff I want to write about. Since it's my blog. :-)
