Hee Haws

I kept meaning to post last week about our trip to Hee Haw farms.
But I didn't.
So now you get two posts in one day.  The rest of you do it too, don't deny it.
Last Monday we went on a homeschool field trip to Hee Haw farms.  The kids pet goats and pigs and ponies, picked pumpkins, and we went for a hay ride.  The coolest part was that a sow had just gone into labor and had given birth to 5 piglets and we got to watch the 6th be born!!  It grossed out Jack and intrigued Munchkin.  Made for a good science lesson about mammals.

new piglets!!!

My little animal lover
Petting area.  Pigs, goats, and sheep
I love how Tumbleweed is too small here.

This girl was like the goat whisperer.  It was cool and a little creepy.
This is SO Jack.  He's so serious!
Munchkin would only do silly faces.
Tumbleweed was just happy to be among pumpkins.

Giant pumpkins!!!
Playing in the corn box.
The kids LOVE the corn box, which is basically a sand box filled with corn.  It's a lot of fun.  Last year we went to Cornbelly's at Thanksgiving Point as well, but didn't have nearly as much fun and paid almost 3 times as much.  We plan on making Hee Haws an annual tradition.  Later this week we'll head to pumpkinland at Vineyard gardens in Orem.