Well the last few weeks have felt busy, but I can't figure out what we did. I had a bunch of church things that kept me busy and I'm still tweaking the homeschool schedule. I have to admit I'm loving Wednesdays. It's nice to have a day to just catch up the house/do laundry without interruptions and be with my girls. Jack is mostly enjoying his classes too. He still gets homesick and scared of the sewing machines, but one of our neighbors just started teaching there so I think it helps him to know she's just down the hall.
I am really loving being the Primary President. September is hard though with the upcoming Sacrament Program. Luckily we have regional conference next week and then a temple dedication the week after so I have 2 weeks to get my stuff together!! :)
Jack's allergies are getting much better!! I love you Patanol. For science we got an electronic circuitry board. It's used and the batteries were left in so it corroded some of the terminals, but we're hoping a trip to the electronic supply store can fix that. He's really excited to use it, but after doing the first project I think it's too advanced. We'll just see what happens. I've got my eye on some easier looking ones on Amazon.
Munchkin started UPSTART, her preschool program, and after only 2 weeks, both she and Tumbleweed are counting to 20 without mixing up or leaving out numbers. She's getting more confident in reading as well. I really love this program!
Both she and Tumbleweed are my singers. These girls sing ALL the time. It's hilarious, annoying, and endearing all at once. I'll try to interrupt them and Tumbleweed has started shushing me.
I also got out winter clothes and have discovered that Tumbleweed is starting to wear the clothes that Munchkin has just outgrown. It's funny and sad for Munchkin at the same time.
It's been illness month!! I've had an infection, Tumbleweed was getting hivey spots (the hives are new), and Munchkin had one of her fever's hit while we were at a picnic. Sure enough Prednisone cleared it right up for her and no sign since (Love modern medicine!). I'm debating another trip to Primary's. The fevers are sporadic now and not following the old pattern. I'm not sure if that means anything or not. But since I know they don't hurt her I'm not in a big hurry. As long as I can keep the prednisone prescription.
She does still have diarrhea though so I'm going to try something new: I'm going to bake with live yeast.
I got myself a pet yeast and named him Henry and he's just starting to grow!! I'm excited. And yes, I named him. It's so I'll think of him as more of a pet and be less likely to kill him. I got the idea earlier this year from a book called Forgotten Skills of Self Sufficiency by the Mormon Pioneers.
It's an awesome book! The author co-authored a new book I just got called The Art of Baking with Natural Yeast
Also a great book that teaches you everything you need to know about baking with a live organism. Why am I going to all the trouble? The live yeast pre-digests gluten and has other benefits that make wheat easier to digest. That, and you never run out of yeast. It's like a sourdough starter, but without the sour. Once Henry is big enough (a few weeks) I'll let you know how things turn out.
I may even get around to posting some pictures!! :)Labels: family, Food, urban homesteading