Looking for Answers

So my itching has worsened and I'm getting about 3-4 hours of sleep at night because my hands and feet itch so badly then. It's classic cholestasis. Which I don't have. I called and received the good news about my labs this afternoon. Then what is going on? My sympathetic nurse just said, "I'm so sorry!" (she saw me itching myself like crazy yesterday) I hung up the phone and starting crying. Because I don't have a rare liver disease that could kill my baby....
Seriously, I am glad, so glad that I don't have to worry about my liver poisoning my child. But I am so miserable and so itchy and I just want to know why! Why internet?! Or more importantly, what can I do to stop it?! I can only tie ice packs onto my feet for so long, you know.
My midwife suggested accupuncture. I've never done accupuncture. I have no idea how to find a good accupunturist. My mom and I might try some energy work. Her friend suggested it might be a toxin build up, but I can't really do any sort of cleanse while pregnant.
Meanwhile I get to see my baby once a week for non-stress-tests. Just in case. She didn't cooperate well today, but she looks good and that's all I need right now.
I'm off to buy some more anti-itch stuff hoping anything will help.

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