Bulbs and weed killers

I just bought 550 bulbs for one flower bed! I think if I do one bed/year I'll be done in about 5 years. 5 years. Dang! Am I too ambitious? I'm not even done. These are just the spring bulbs. I haven't even started on perennials and summer bulbs.

I can't wait to show pictures next spring! I ordered: alliums Image of Allium Roseum , crocus , windflower , anemones , lots of irisImage of Dwarf Rockgarden Iris , sky blue lilies , and grape hyacinth . I also have some iris plants here that I don't think have ever been divided so once I divide those I should have the entire bed filled. Yay!

I have pictures of my lawn before we started bring it back to life, but I haven't done any afters yet. I kinda want to wait until next spring after I over seed in a few weeks. Last week was weed killer week. A little early, yes, but I wanted to make sure I left enough time to seed next month. I have a morning glory/bindweed problem and had heard roundup was the only way to get rid of it. The round up didn't work! It didn't even kill the lawn I wanted gone. So I tried Weed Free Zone by fertilome (love their products!!) and the morning glory was dead the next day. Awesome, awesome stuff!!!!!!! And it doesn't kill grass. My basic philosophy is if you can buy it at HomeDepot, it probably doesn't work very well. Trust me, I used to work in their garden department. Go to a local nursery or IFA.
